
The XRPL’s Price Oracles and New Providers 

The XRPL’s new native oracle protocol has now integrated with both Band Protocol and DIA, providing trustworthy data in real-time

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Multi-Purpose Tokens (MPT) on XRPL

Tokenization, or the representation of real-world assets on the blockchain, is potentially Web3’s biggest use case with projections estimating that

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Zoniqx: XRPL Asset Tokenization Infrastructure

RippleX and Zoniqx recently announced their partnership that will help bring Zoniqx’s asset tokenization infrastructure to the blockchain to the

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Orchestra Finance: An XRPL Front-End AMM

The XRPL’s Automated Market Maker (AMM) is unique in the sense that it is integrated directly into the blockchain network

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The XRPL Overview & Key Differentiators

The XRP Ledger (XRPL) has many different applications, such as DeFi, NFTs, decentralized identity (DiD), and more. However, the XRPL’s

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NFTs on the XRPL

The XRPL has been the leader in blockchain payments, but is gradually emerging in other areas such as DeFi and

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Uncategorized XRPL

The XRPL Payments Engine

The XRPL is home to the first decentralized exchange (DEX), which began before the term “DeFi” even existed. It has

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DeFi Uncategorized XRPL

XRPL Wallets

Introduction The XRPL has various institutions, developers, and even countries building on it so it’s important for users to understand

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XRPL’s Proposed Clawback Feature

The new Clawback feature has just been announced as part of the rippled 1.12.0 release and is open for voting

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DeFi Uncategorized XRPL

The XRPL’s EVM Sidechain

Introduction In April of this year, XRPL’s proposed new AMM feature received wide recognition for its proposed architecture that will

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